Donate Blood & Save Life!

Donate Blood and
Inspire Others!

Donor Registration

Please fill the form to register as voluntary blood donor

Emergency Donor Registration

Blood Collected straight from the donor after its donation

Camp Booking

Schedule blood donation at nearby blood bank

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About Us

Rashtrotthana Blood Centre

Sha Damji Jadavji Chheda Memorial, Rashtrotthana Blood Centre is one of the major service projects of Rashtrotthana Parishat

The Rashtrotthana Blood Centre, Hubballi was started in June 2010 under the name ‘Sha Damji Jadavji Chheda Memorial Rashtrotthana Blood Centre’ with the generosity of the wife of Sri Sha Damji Jadavji Chheda who provided their building, free of cost for us to start the blood Centre.


Give Blood & Save a Life Today!

A single donation from you can save many lives and this is where you can take the FIRST STEP!!

Camps Conducted


Units Collected





Aug 2: Urgently needed AB+ & B+ Blood

July 27: Are you looking for the Blood?

May 24: Urgent Blood requirement for Thalassemia Children Treatment

May 21: Request for Blood Donation

May 10: Donate Blood Save Life


What they feel and say

“ Rashtrotthana is providing new life to accident vitcims in particular and ailing brothers and sisters in general. This voluntary and salutary service has kept Rashtrotthana Blood Bank at the forefront of social work “.

Baba Ramdev Ji, Haridwar

“ One of the Most dedicated staff. Excellence in work & ethics. Thanks to the staff of Blood Bank for the service of mankind and contribution to the society. ALL THE BEST.”

Dr. Nandini Tiwari, Dattaji Bhale Blood Bank, Aurangabad

Blood Donate Process

Types of Blood Donors

Criteria for Blood Donation

Blood Donation Awareness

Platelet Donation


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