Brief Information to Camp Organizers
I am interested in hosting a blood drive, who do I contact?
Social-Workers will arrange the Blood Donation Camps so that need to contact Rashtrotthana Blood Centre number – 080-26608870, 29787470, 9945299369.
What are the requirements for an organization to host a blood drive?
Any organization can participate in the blood donation program. Our Rashtrotthana Blood Centre representative will work with you determine how you can partner with RASHTROTTHANA BLOOD CENTRE.

What can I do?
Can I give Donors incentives or gifts for participating?
All Donors are required to be truly “volunteer” Donors by the FDA, and not be reimbursed for their donation, so any incentive can be offered to all participants of a blood drive – Donors and volunteers alike. This helps ensure all people are honest about their health history.
Answering Donor Questions
Blood drive coordinators often find themselves answering questions from potential Donors regarding the donation process or Donor eligibility or simply addressing common objections. Browse our catalog of information for helpful tips.
Health and Wellness
Donor health is important to us and we want to help maintain it. Here one can find a variety of information to help maintain the health and have the best donation experience possible.