About blood

Types of Donations

1. Whole Blood Donation

  • PThis is the most common type of donation in the process of which approximately a unit of ‘whole blood’ is given
  • PThe blood is separated into transfusable components i.e. into red cells, plasma, as well as Platelets or cryoprecipitate AHF
  • PIt takes about 8 – 10 minutes for the Blood donation
  • PDonors are eligible to donate ‘whole blood’ every 90 days

2. Single Donor Platelets

  • PThis process utilizes a Platelet Aphaeresis Machine which extracts only the Platelets and then returns the rest of the cells back to Donors body
  • PA single donation of Platelets collected by aphaeresis can constitute, 6-8 whole blood donations to constitute a single transfusable unit of Platelets
  • PThe donation takes approximately upto 45 minutes to 1 hour
  • PDonors are eligible to donate ‘Single Donor Platelets’ every 48 hours